What happens when a woman hits “Reset”? Enjoy my re-step…walk joyfully with me.

Now you may think I’ve had this calling all my life to make and design boots, but if truth be told … My destiny with boots was birthed late in life filled with magic and despair.

The true starting point for my passion for boots was nourished by salty soul tears.

It began on my bedroom floor crying and talking in tongues to my best friends while my world as I knew it fell to unrecognizable pieces in ponds of tears. In between tears and breaths I reached for my book, my book of wisdom and clarity .. Woman Who Runs With The Wolves… this wasn’t an act of clever initiative but just raw intuitive guidance.

The story I opened to would make perfect metaphorical sense but what was a really magical surprise, was the physical form it took four years later… when I cobbled together my first pair of tall, dark brown suede boots. So proud of my accomplishment, I began a yearlong journey to find a boot maker that could help my creations take flight.

In honour of intuitive spirits and creative flights, each boot comes with the birth story, a creative story that comes from the inner makings of mystery and internal intrigue.

Travelling GypSea Boots Inspired by

“Woman Who Run With The Wolves” story  ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes

The Handmade Red Shoes

In the tale we see that the child loses the red shoes she has fashioned for herself, those that made her rich in her own special way. She was poor, but she was innovative; she was finding her way.

She had progressed from having no shoes to having shoes that gave her a sense of soul in spite of the difficulties of her outer life.

The handmade shoes are of her rising out of a mean psychic existence into a passionate life of her own design.

Her shoes represent an enormous and literal step toward integration of her resourceful feminine nature in the day -to- day life. It does not matter that her life is imperfect. She has her joy. She will evolve.

I began a year long journey to find a bootmaker that could help my Travelling GypSea creations take flight.

The first Travelling GypSea boots

Custom boots are available on Travelling GypSea tours.